
Showing posts from September, 2015

It has been awhile

It has been a year since my last entry to this blog--I have thought about it and thought about and I still am not sure where I want to go with the blog or if I am going to keep it going--I will take it one day at a time that is all I can do for now. Summer 2015 has came and went--it was a summer that will be remember as cool and wet--we had more rain this past summer than I have seen in a very long time and we did not have hardly any 90 degree+ days, a few, but not like we have had in the past. We moved again--this time it was a short move, we are still in Toledo, we just moved across the driveway from the other house we were in--this house we are in now is a better house, it looks small on the outside, but there is more room in here than it looks from the outside--it is a nice place, I am happy with it. This year marked my 10th Anniversary at the Wauseon Public Library and this year I asked if I could step in and become the Teen/YA Librarian for the library--we have not had anyo