
Showing posts from March, 2012

My First Alumni Dinner

Last night (March 24) I attended the second annual Four County Career Center Alumni Dinner held at the school. I am so glad I decided to attend this event after I seen it advertised in the newspaper.  I seen quite a few people I knew from when I was a student there.  The meall was delicious as were the deserts.  We also got to tour the building after the meal--wow! About sums it up.  The nice changes in the building since I graduated from there were impressive.  I was asked to be on the planning committee for next year's event and I said yes--I am planning on attending the event next year.  I had so much fun and it was nice seeing people I hadn 't seen in years.  I am looking forward to next year's dinner.

Enjoying my Kindle Fire

I have had my New Amazon Kindle Fire now for about 2 weeks.  I am having fun with it--downloading free books (who would have ever guessed that the free books would end up being good titles that grab your attention).  It is so much fun (not that I plan on never reading a book, book ever again--I still like to read a book, book.  The electronic version just makes it easier for travel--instead of taking three or four books when I would travel, I can take my Kindle and read the books that I have downloaded to it (the Kindle is so much lighter than three or four books). I did not realize how many free books are available to download either from or a public library.  I do not regret purchasing my Kindle Fire.  It is a matter of preference to which E-Reading Device one wants--the Kindle, the Nook, or an Apple Ipad.  There are those that like their Nook; there are those that like their Kindles (like me); and there are those that like their Ipad or SmartPhone.  There are also those t

Beautiful Weather

The weather here has been gorgeous the last few days--another gorgeous day tomorrow as well and into next week we may see some 80 Degree weather.  Dare I say Spring has officially arrived or am I thinking too soon for the warm weather to stay--I hope it is here to stay--we have already sprung ahead one hour now we just need the warm weather to stay around. I am slowly getting the hang of my Amazon Kindle Fire--I like it and it is easy to use and whatever I send to it is there immediately.  I also hope I am getting the hang of blogging (I got a Blogging for Dummies Book that I have not opened up yet to look at, but it is right here by the computer). I hope with practice I get better at blogging. 

Amazon's Kindle Fire

I tossed around the idea of either getting an Amazon Kindle Fire or a Nook Tablet.  I researched and researched--talked to people that had them both.  I finally decided on the Amazon Kindle Fire--it was cheaper than the Nook Tablet.  My Kindle Fire came in the mail today before I left to go to work.  After I got home from work this evening, I got it all set up and downloaded a book to it.  The download went fine and I have started reading the book.  So far I am satisfied with my Kindle Fire--there are those that do not like them and that is OK.  It is a matter of preference on which one you want.  The next thing on my list of "toys" to purchase down the line (a year or so) is going to be an Ipad--I have seen one of those up close and I really like the Ipad so that will be my next purchase for me--I am going to enjoy my Kindle Fire for a little while. I will keep things updated as I use my Kindle Fire more and more (I still like the physical book, but this Kindle will make tra