
Showing posts from March, 2013

2013 Started Out Decent . . . But

2013 Started out decently enough for me and my family.  The end of February rolled around and I ended up with the "Crud" as my doctor called it as did my mom, dad, brother, and grandmother.  I got over mine within a week, mom, dad, and my brother got through it, but Grandma's would not let go--it got worse and worse--we took her to Urgent Care because her former family doctor was on call there--her doctor done nothing--then on March 8--she was taken to the ER at the hospital--she was admitted to the CCU at the hospital and was in there almost a week and she was transferred to a Nursing Home because she needs more care than we could all provide.  Her stay in the Nursing Home is going to be long-term she won't be coming home--she will be moved over to Long-term Extended Care the end of this month.  She is getting better, but there is a very long road ahead--he new family doctor told us she had a stroke at some point, but not sure hold old the stroke is the test did not